Media Policy

Members are to always refer to the Code of Conduct, Constitution, and Procedures documents first and foremost. Some of the information collated below is from these documents and presented here for ease of access. The remainder reflects other Board decisions on the direction of the club, which may change at any time. Any changes will be reflected here as appropriate. 


As a not-for-profit club, many of our members value having access to a community space which is not seeking to extract value from them. For that reason, we try to honour this and create an advertisement-free space as much as possible. Unauthorised advertisements and spam will be promptly removed from Caligo Mundi spaces.

Exceptions may be made for local events or services which align with the interests of the existing community, such as being connected with other Melbourne LARP events. Please contact us directly if you wish to discuss approval for advertising within our spaces, online or off.

Photography / Recordings at Events

Informed consent is an important part of our Code of Conduct. This includes the creation of recordings at our events of any kind, audio or visual, as well as the display of these recordings on social media. Attendees interested in photography or other activities should always discuss this with players and GMs prior to game start to ensure consent has been given. 

As we anticipate that there will nearly always be some people who do not wish to be recorded, we often suggest that people wishing to photograph costumes, for example, consider having their camera set up outside of the main area of play when venue space allows for it. This allows for games to continue uninterrupted by interactions with recording devices.

Use of AI

We’re here for the chance to participate in communal storytelling face-to-face with each other, in deeply local and personal ways. The human element is central to what we do. 

In the spirit of that, we would gently discourage the use of AI art or ChatGPT.

We would also note that both are controversial tools. Rather than augmenting your play experience, use of these tools may thus create social or creative barriers in connecting with other club members. So, before using them, please consider instead that what you have to offer of your own authentic creations – including your limitations, flaws, and mistakes, and the opportunity to learn from those – is considered much more valuable to us and to our club culture.