ver 2.0 2016
By attending Caligo events, you agree to follow the Caligo Code of Conduct. All participants of Caligo must abide by the Code of Conduct when at sessions, interacting online through Caligo Mundi social media or at Caligo Mundi sanctioned events.
This Code of Conduct is intended to help facilitate a positive experience for everyone involved in the club, including players, STs, and the Board. Non-compliance with the Caligo Code of Conduct may result in being asked to leave the game venue, to cease participation in an online role play or removal from a game.
Policing of misconduct is specifically the purview of the Caligo Board. Organisers may contact law enforcement if required and take the necessary actions to ensure the safety of participants at Caligo events.
All participants of Caligo Mundi understand and agree to abide by the following;
Caligo Mundi is an 18+ organisation and as such there will be many times where material covered will be of mature or confronting nature. Individuals have the responsibility to ensure that they behave in a respectful and mature manner at sessions. Caligo Mundi encourages its members to behave with personal responsibility. As such all members of Caligo Mundi have the responsibility to treat others with respect, courtesy and fairness. This applies in all forums in which Caligo operates; at games and online.
The organisation recognises that individuals have diverse experiences, some of which may not have been positive. As such we encourage that participants identify for themselves aspects of games and scenes which may be problematic to them and remove themselves quickly and efficiently where practicable. We also encourage players to inform STs where such instances occur so to better avoid them in the future.
Examples include:
• If confronting issues arise during a session or in an online scene any participant can chose to end or leave a scene before it becomes a problem.
Due to the nature of Roleplaying, it is important to note that there will be cases where offence or other behaviour will not be clear-cut. The distinction between In Character (IC) and Out of Character (OOC) in such instances must be clearly delineated.
• Certain characters will be prejudiced in one way or another and the playing of that experience is an integral part of roleplay. This is generally considered acceptable within reason so long as these prejudices are expressed during in character roleplay, make contextual sense and are not pointlessly gratuitous or offensive.
As a participant in Caligo all individuals also have a series of rights.
• Physical or sexual violence of any kind is unacceptable. This will result in automatic expulsion from a session.
• Participants will behave in a respectful manner to each other. Caligo Mundi supports a friendly and diverse space. Behaviour that is intentionally disrespectful in regards to a person’s sex, race, country of origin, age, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity and expression, religion, disability, experience/lack of experience roleplaying, body size or appearance will be considered a violation of the Code of Conduct.
• Behaviour deemed to be bullying will not be tolerated. Participants are expected not to bully anyone, or use language, gestures or actions that are intentionally offensive to others. Social grievances that are unable to be resolved can be brought to the attention of the Membership Coordinator and the Board.
• Participants asked to stop any harassing behaviour are expected to comply immediately. If a participant engages in harassing behaviour, the Board may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender or expulsion from the game(s)
• It’s important to limit opinions and criticisms of other characters to your in-character interactions. While it may seem innocuous, having players speaking ill of characters out-of-character is a problem that all too easily has a negative impact on the real people that play those characters, and while IC you’re welcome to cause trouble and face the consequences, OOC behaviour is expected to be adult and respectful, anything else is entirely unnecessary and altogether undesirable.
Examples of Harassment include (but are not limited to):
• Deliberate intimidation
• Stalking
• Harassing photography or recording
• Inappropriate physical contact
• Sexual images in a shared or public space
• Being disrespectful to someone on the grounds of; sex, gender, gender identity and expression, race, country of origin, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, religion, experience/lack of experience roleplaying.
Caligo operates on two very important ideals: individual responsibility and consent. Consent is about how your actions impact on others. If your actions involve someone else’s body, space, belongings or might impact on their sense of safety – you must ensure, without coercion, that you have explicitly received their permission. We would like participants to be aware of consent and other people’s boundaries; we are not just referring to body and sexual consent (which are very important). We would also like to emphasize other forms of consent generally – such as consent relating to property, food, photos and shared spaces.
• Do not assume consent – always ask first.
• Do not pressure, blackmail, intimidate or coerce someone into saying ‘yes’ – this is not consent.
• Some examples of when you need consent (this is not an exclusive list); sex, back scratches, physically touching someone in or out of character, using someone else’s belongings, eating someone else’s food, offering an alcoholic drink [tell them it’s alcoholic], photographing someone, tagging people on facebook, playing loud music within shared accommodation.
The running and adjudication of game sessions, as well as dealing with issues relating to games are strictly the purview of the Storytellers and in extreme cases, the Caligo Program Coordinator or Caligo Board.
If a player’s conduct is continuously problematic in a specific game the Storytellers’ may choose to bring that behaviour to the attention of the Board. This will result in a decision by the Board based upon the information and evidence presented which may include (but are not limited to) warnings, enforcing breaks or expelling players.
STs also have a set of responsibilities. They are expected to:
• Maintain a high level of standard for any game run (developing plot kits, accurately communicating the game world etc)
• Behave in a consistent manner towards all players in their game
• Meet regularly as a Team
• Advertise sessions
• Regular communication with players through FB, Caligo Wiki and at sessions (rules, types of PCs, etc) and with the Board – especially the Program Coordinator.
Often Caligo STs and game presenters will develop systems to facilitate the story that they wish to tell. Caligo acknowledges the effort and creativity of this endeavour. Should a game end or a writer leave the organisation they are entitled to retain their developed system. However, members of the Organization who create characters, history, Settings documents or plots for the Organization grant the Organization unrestricted and non-exclusive licence to use those plots in perpetuity. Acknowledgement and abidance by this is a condition of Membership within the Organization.
Caligo Mundi acknowledges the copyright and IP of the creators of the role playing games, books, comics, movies and other media from where the inspiration for the games is drawn, at no point does Caligo Mundi seek to claim this as their own, or to utilise this material for profit.