Babylon 4: Advisory Council

From Caligo Mundi

Babylon 4 is first and foremost a diplomatic station, intended to be neutral territory (although it officially remains the property of the Earth Alliance).

Many different worlds have sent ambassadors to represent them on the Babylon 4 Advisory Council, and all member worlds have signed the Babylon 4 treaty which empowers the Advisory Council to make binding decisions.

The council consists of one representative from each of the five most powerful governments: The Earth Alliance, Minbari Federation, Centauri Republic, Narn Regime, and the Vorlon Empire.

Many of the smaller governments have banded together for mutual self-defence and formed the League of Non-Aligned Worlds. The League has appointed ambassadors from The Drazi, Pak’ma’ra, Brakiri, Abbai, and Hyach to form the League Council which acts as one on the Advisory Council.

Any member world may bring a motion before the Babylon 4 Advisory Council, it must then be seconded by another member world or it is rejected. If it passes this hurdle then there is a vote, either for or against the motion. Ambassadors may also abstain either at the time of their vote or by not attending the meeting.

Each of the major governments gets one vote each. The League Council is given time to discuss amongst themselves and then they get one vote between them, so there are a total of six votes available: Earth, Minbari, Centauri, Narn, Vorlon, and League.

In order for a motion to pass, there must be more votes in favour of the motion, than there are against it or abstaining. Absent votes don’t count for either side and if there are 3 or more absent votes then the vote fails due to lacking quorum.
If ambassadors are absent, their attachés or another appointed representative may vote in their stead. Ambassadors may also submit a write-in vote.
In the case of a tie, the Earth Alliance representative decides the tie breaker.


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Setting Overview
Politics in the Advisory Council
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