The Babylon Project was a dream given form. Its goal: to prevent another war by creating a place where humans and aliens could work out their differences peacefully.
It's a port of call, home away from home for diplomats, hustlers, entrepreneurs and wanderers. Humans and aliens wrapped in two million, five hundred thousand tons of spinning metal .. all alone in the night.
It can be a dangerous place, but it's our last, best hope for peace.
This is the story of the last of the Babylon stations.
The year is 2254.
The name of the place is Babylon 4.
Content Warnings: This game may include themes of violence, war, genocide, slavery, oppression, manipulation and coercion, telepathy, pro-military propaganda, pro-government propaganda, spirituality, drug and alcohol use, racism (against aliens, not against real races), and systemic mysogyny and classism.
GMs: Aaron Fenwick, Natasha Shelvey, Richard Stern
To stay up to date: Join the Facebook Group
GM Email:
Babylon 4: Journey in the Dark is a political sci-fi LARP based on the Babylon 5 TV Show. It's set in an alternate timeline where the Babylon 4 station didn't disappear and didn't get replaced. Players will take on the roles of Alien Ambassadors, Babylon Station Crew, and all those who call Babylon 4 home.
This game is set 4 years before the events of the Babylon 5 TV show, knowledge of it could be helpful but is not necessary to play. Those with a knowledge of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine will also find some similarities.
Sessions will focus on the lives of the station’s diplomatic and operational staff; each government has sent an ambassador to form the Babylon 4 Advisory Board, each ambassador has one or more diplomatic attachés, and they in turn may have agents, contacts, and associates. Sessions will usually revolve around all of these people socialising and trying to get what they want. Ambassadors will have specific instructions from their governments to trade for certain resources, gather specific information, or recruit others to their cause, while others will be more free to pursue their own agenda.
Games are run monthly, check the calendar for session times.
The Galaxy
- Earth Alliance
- Minbari Federation
- Centauri Republic
- Narn Regime
- League of Non-Aligned Worlds
- Vorlon Empire
- Telepaths
Rules and Character Creation