Welcome to Caligo Mundi

Caligo Mundi is a freeform and live action role playing club based in Melbourne, Australia.
Visit our main website here.
The Game Calendar contains information on Sessions being run, including date, time and venue. Sessions currently cost $10 for players.
Caligo is currently running games in person, but that doesn't mean Covid is over. Please be fully vaxxed and comply with current health requirements.
Caligo Social Media
Join our Discord server at: https://discord.gg/DmCQXHS5DT
You can also find us at our Facebook group.
New games are now being accepted! Further information on new events will be announced below.
Latest News
- Vaesen The next session will be in 15th February.
- Babylon 4 session 11 will be on the 2nd February.
- Tabletop evenings are on the second Saturday of every month at the Richmond Library. Details in the Game Calendar!
- Our new website has launched! The wiki will now be focussed on game information, with club information available on the main site. Sidebar has been changed to reflect this. This page will remain active for the benefit of members who use the subscribe function of this page to be alerted to new games and announcements.
- GMs now have access to a discounted session price of $5 when running their games. Check out more information on the advantages and process of running games here!
- See what's new on our Recent Changes page.
New Members
If you are participating in any Caligo Mundi games you need to be a member (it's free!). To become a member please follow these instructions
1: Create a User account for the wiki - this will also allow you to edit most of the wiki and add pages (We encourage you to contribute).
2: Once you have a user account, please follow the link to our Membership Form.
3: Complete the registration form.
4: Attend games and edit the wiki.
Character Bios
To help others keep on top of who's who in the game, we encourage you to add public information about your characters to the wiki so others know who you are playing:
Add your Character here.
Running a Game
Caligo is interested in hearing from people who have ideas for running games, be they one off or longer term games.
- Details on how to have a game run for Caligo can be found here.
- You can use the Idea Box to draft ideas and rules.
- There is a Facebook group dedicated to discussing ideas as well as a channel on the discord.
- When running a game, please follow the session checklist.
Contacting Us
To contact us or to find out more information:
- Join us on our social media listed at the top of this page,
- or you can contact us directly.